Monday 27 June 2016

Kodu - Evidencing Your Work

Lesson Objectives

 - document your Kodu game to show skills learned

Look at a peers game using the sheet below:
Peer Assessment Document

Use your Assessment Sheet and the Evidence Document below:
Evidence Document

Evaluation Template

Complete the next task in your Homestudy Booklet

AQA GCSE - Variables

Lesson Objectives
To identify the variables needed for your work. To create code that will assign values to these variables

If you need a recap on variables, Check out this BBC Bitesize resource:
How do computer programs use variables?

Red Task – Identify the variables
  1. Read through Task 2 on page 5 of your booklet carefully to identify the 8 variables
  2. Underline or highlight all of the variables you can find
  3. Add each item to the ‘Information to store’ column in the table on Page 2 of your sheet

Amber Task – Name the variables
  • Python variables should be written in lowercase
  • Each word should be separated by an underscore (_) character
  • Descriptive and meaningful names should be used, for example:
fruit_apple = 1
fruit_banana = 2
fruit_kiwi = 3
  1. Choose a sensible and logical variable name for each piece of information that you identified in the previous task
  2. Add each variable name to the ‘Variable name’ column in the table on Page 2 of your sheet.

Green Task – int OR float
In Python, a number can either be stored as an int or a float, for example:
num_a = 1    # int
num_b = 1.5  # float
If the number contains a decimal value (like 1.5) it’s float. If not, it’s an int.
  1. Which of the variables need to be stored as int?
  2. Which of the variables need to be stored as float?
  3. Complete the ‘int OR float’ column of the table below:

Information to store

Variable name

int OR float

To store an int:
print("Please enter int:")
num_a = int(input())  # e.g. 1

To store a float:
print("Please enter float:")
num_b = float(input())  # e.g. 1.5

Controlled Assessment Task
Develop the part of the program that allows the user to set the Generation 0 values for the:
  • population numbers of juveniles, adults and seniles
  • survival rates for juveniles, adults and seniles
  • birth rate
  • number of new generations to model. This should be between 5 and 25.
The program should then return to the menu.

Use what you have learnt in this lesson to complete Task 2 of the controlled assessment

  1. Open your CA_Task1 file from last lesson
  2. Save a copy of the file (Save As…) as CA_Task2
  3. Declare your variables at the top of the file
  4. Below the code 'if choice == 1:', use print() statements to ask the user to enter the values, one by one
  5. Store each value into a variable using the input() function
  6. Convert each value into either an int() OR a float()
  7. Add plenty of # comments to explain your code
  8. Run your program to check that it works

Extension Tasks
1. Can you reduce your code to assign variable values using less code? See example below:
num_a = int(input("Please enter int:"))

2. Can you use Validation to check the input value is within the accepted range?

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Quick PE Survey

Year 9 ONLY

Please complete the quick Survey HERE

Monday 6 June 2016

Revision Cards


Go to Google Classroom HERE
Find our class


Open the Revision Cards Assignment 

Use the links below to help you complete the cards for the following sections:

AQA Student Revision Guide  - HERE

BBC Bitesize Revision - HERE

Unit1 Computer Systems

Unit 2 - Hardware

Unit 3 - Data Representation
  • Binary, Hexadecimal and Image Representation - Click Here

Unit 4 - Software

Unit 5 - Networks

Unit 6 - Databases

Unit 7 - Programming Concepts 

Y9 - Python Lesson 3 - Selection & Lesson 4 - Iteration

Lesson Objectives
 - Identify and use different data types correctly in Python
 - Understand and be able to use Selection and Iteration in Python programming



1. Go to Google Classroom and find your class.

2. Open Python Lesson 3 & Lesson 4.

3. Read through and complete the slides.

Make sure you Save all Python files in your Python folder

Have a go at the Programming Quiz - HERE


Lesson Objectives

 - Identify Inputs, Outputs, Storage and Processes in the Population Model
 - To develop flowcharts for the Population Model



Red Task
Let's start simple:

Think about Inputs, Outputs, Storage and Processes for the following:

Making Toast
What goes in? What comes out? Is anything stored or processed?

Brushing Your Teeth
What goes in? What comes out? Is anything stored or processed?

Washing Your Clothes
What goes in? What comes out? Is anything stored or processed?

Amber Task
Identify the Inputs, Outputs, Storage and Processes for EACH task in the Population Model

Green Task

Create a flowchart for EACH task of the Population Model, using 

Add your flowcharts to your Population Model CA Word document