Wednesday 27 April 2016

Unit 4 - Computer Systems - Operating Systems

Learning Objective:
Understand the role played by operating systems


1. Go to Google Classroom - HERE
2. Find your class

3. Download and Save the Review Template

4. Complete the document

BBC Bitesize Test - HERE

Tuesday 26 April 2016

ICT Skills - Spreadsheets 1

Lesson Objectives

 - develop an understanding of spreadsheets, including their structure and basic function
 - use terms accurately such as column, row, cell, formula


Set up a new folder called Spreadsheets in your SITES - ICT folder.
Take a look at the spreadsheet video HERE


Do you know your way around a spreadsheet? 

Could you label a ROW, COLUMN, CELL?

Red Task:
Download and Save the following file to your Spreadsheets folder:

The Wizard's Challenge

Can you make the cells go green?

Orange Task
Download and Save the following file to your Spreadsheets folder:

The Gold Mine

Green Task
Download and complete the The Sweet Challenge


Take the spreadsheet quiz - HERE

Monday 25 April 2016

Unit 5 - Networks


Go to Google Classroom HERE
Find our class - 11p/Isc5


1. Read through the slides and fill in your own notes on Networks

2. Quizzes - HERE

Build your Own Network - 
Network Simulation Tool Download

    DA201 - Web Exam - Crawdale Summer Sports

    Lesson Objectives

    Develop web development skills using past paper

    Create a folder in SITES called Crawdale Summer Sports

    Crawdale Summer Sports - Jan 2015 

    Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for the Crawdale Summer Sports files

    \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design

    Over the next three lessons you will be following a practice web exam paper

    Task 1: (Lesson 1 - 10mins)
    Read through the exam paper you have been given before you start

    Task 2: (Lesson 1 - spend no more than 20mins)
    Create the banner in suitable software and save in a suitable format

    Task 3: (Lesson 1 - Template, Lesson 2 - Pages, Lesson 3 - Content)
    Create the website following the specifications listed in the exam paper

    Use the guidance below to practice your skills if you need to:

    How to Guide:

    How to Video Playlist:

    Review your progress against the mark scheme in the Assets folder and set yourself two targets for improvement next lesson

    Developing Web Products - Past Papers

    Past Paper Exams

    Crawdale Summer Sports - Jan 2015 Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for files

    \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design\Crawdale Summer Sports

    Grubaliscious - Jan 2016 Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for files

    \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design\Grubaliscious

    4ToonzRadio - June 2014 Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for files

    \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design\4 toonz radio

    Escapades - June 2015 Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for files

    \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design\Escapades

    Wednesday 20 April 2016

    AQA GCSE - Population Model - Getting Organised

    A Population Model - Getting Organised

    Lesson Objectives 
    LO1 - To organise your work area and evidence document
    LO2 - To have understood what the controlled assessment is about

    Red - You will have set up the folder needed for your controlled assessment
    Amber - You will have set up an evidence document in Word
    Green - You will have written a paragraph explaining what you have to do for your controlled assessment

    Trends in Computing - Lesson 2

    Lesson Objectives

     - to understand EthicalSocial and Legal aspects of Computing


    In today's lesson you will be working on the last part of your presentation - EthicalSocial and Legal aspects of computing.


    Look at the images HERE and make a note of key words that come in to your head with each image.

      Click on the links below to look up the following Legal Acts:

       - Data Protection Act

       - Computer Misuse Act
       - Copyright Design Act


      • Legal Social Ethical Issues
        • Describe and explain at least 1 ethical issue for your chosen technology
        • Describe and explain at least 1 social issue for your chosen technology
        • Describe and explain at least 1 legal issue for your chosen technology


      Use the Mark Scheme to check your work and make any final changes needed.


        Email your completed presentation to:
        Finish your presentation and email to the address above by Monday 25th April.

        Unit 7 - Programming Concepts - L2

        Lesson Objectives

        Understand and use sequence, selection and iteration in an algorithm
        Use NOT, AND and OR when creating Boolean expressions


        Think of some real life situations where you:
         SEQUENCE - to do things in a particular order
        SELECTION - to do one thing rather than another
        ITERATE - to continue to do something until a certain thing happens


        RED TASK

        Look at the presentation below and make notes when you see the pencil!

        AMBER TASK

        Fill in the  worksheet HERE

        GREEN TASK

        See BBC Bitesize - HERE

        Useful Prezi - HERE

        Fill in 
        Program Control Flow sheet  HERE


        Explain to a partner what you have learnt in today's lesson and what you would like to find out more about.

        Thursday 14 April 2016

        Unit 7 - Programming Concepts L1

        Lesson Objectives

        • Understand algorithms written using flow diagrams or pseudocode 
        • Correct or complete algorithms 
        • Produce algorithms using flow diagrams or pseudocode to solve problems


        Red Task:

        Algorithms / Sequencing
        1. Making Pizza - HERE
        2. Making a Valentine's Card - HERE
        3. Going Fishing - HERE

        Amber Task
        Match the flowchart symbols and glue on to the blank sheet.

        Green Task
        Copy the two flowcharts below - placing the correct symbols in the correct place


        Flowcharts - Username: wildern Password: factor43

        Teach ICT - Algorithms

        BBC Bitesize - GCSE - Algorithms/Data Flow

        ICT Workout - Sequences & Flowcharts 

        Wednesday 13 April 2016

        Computer Science Mock Review

        Save the AQA Revision Guide to your Google Drive. It has been sent to you via email. 
        You can also access it HERE.


        Unit 4 - Computer Systems - L4 Binary to ASCII

        Lesson Objectives

        Understand how to decode binary numbers and convert them to letters using ASCII.


        Tuesday 12 April 2016

        Skills Building - Presentations

        Learning Objective: 
        Demonstrate effective presentation skills using suitable software

        Why might this be the worst presentation ever?

        In pairs, write all the things you notice which make this presentation the 'worst' presentation ever!

        Task 1

        Click Here to Open the Incomplete PowerPoint Presentation

        - Download the presentation

        - Save the presentation to your area with an appropriate name
        - Using the tips we created in the starter, edit your PowerPoint.

        You must edit the 
        - Text
        - Images
        - Animation


        Task 2
        Create a presentation about a subject you are passionate about.
        Create this in GoogleSlides or Powerpoint


        Gallery Viewings!
        What is great about our presentations?
        What could we improve about our presentations?

        What have you learnt today?

        Monday 11 April 2016

        DA201 - Web Exam: Grubalicious

        Lesson Objectives

        Develop web development skills using past paper

        Create a folder in SITES called Grubalicious

        Grubaliscious - Jan 2016 

        Copy the address below in to Windows Explorer for the Gubaliscious files

        \\\read\ICT\Mrs Palmer\DA201 - Web Design

        Over the next three lessons you will be following a practice web exam paper

        Task 1: (Lesson 1 - 10mins)
        Read through the exam paper you have been given before you start

        Task 2: (Lesson 1 - spend no more than 20mins)
        Create the banner in suitable software and save in a suitable format

        Task 3: (Lesson 1 - Template, Lesson 2 - Pages, Lesson 3 - Content)
        Create the website following the specifications listed in the exam paper

        Use the guidance below to practice your skills if you need to:

        How to Guide:

        How to Video Playlist:

        Review your progress against the mark scheme in the Assets folder and set yourself two targets for improvement next lesson