Tuesday 30 June 2015

Creating Sprites - GameMaker

Lesson Objectives

- To develop your knowledge of primary and secondary images 

- To continue to improve your graphic skills

- To be able to discuss what assets you will be using for your game



Save it in your DA204SPB-SITES-EVIDENCE - ASSETS TABLE folder.

Make a list of all of your assets so far (backgrounds, characters, objects).


Primary Assets - images created yourself in Photoshop or Illustrator
Secondary Assets - images you have taken from websites, other sources


You can start to create your characters in Adobe Illustrator
Here is an example of how it looks in....

Adobe Illustrator

The game

Three things:
  1. The sprites must be 32X32 pixels in Adobe Illustrator
  2. They must have a transparent background
  3. You must save it for the web (go to File - Save for web and devices + choose png-24)

Red Task
Open Adobe Illustrator, choose one of these tutorials and try creating a character like the one above, using Adobe Illustrator! **Click on the monster to take you straight to the tutorial.

Extension: Explore Adobe Illustrator some more - check out some tutorials here:

Amber Task
Have a go at creating your first sprite!

Green Task
Continue to complete the backgrounds you will need for ALL levels

    Plenary - 5 minutes

    Add all assets to your Assets Table!

    MAKE SURE that you save each assets as a PSD/AI and a PNG in your GAME folder

    Monday 29 June 2015

    Binary - Lesson 2

    Lesson Objectives

     - to convert binary numbers to denary numbers and vice versa
     - to add in binary


    See how to count in Binary on one hand HERE

    Show a partner how you count to 10, 15, 25?


    Red Task:
    Binary Recap HERE

    Orange Task

    Binary Addition Rules HERE
    Binary Addition Sheet HERE

    Green Task
    Create your name in Binary using the ASCII Code sheet HERE


    Wednesday 24 June 2015

    Session 13 - Python Challenges Wkbk 7-9

    Lesson Objectives

     - to understand and correctly use the data types:
            - int, float and string
     - to understand and correctly use different string methods 


    Fill in the rest of the sheet.


    When you do these next tasks remember that, by default, variables are saved as strings.

    Red Task:

    Orange Task

    Green Task


    Add a post to your Blog to explain what you have learnt today.

    Tuesday 23 June 2015

    Introduction to Binary

    Lesson Objectives

    to understand the binary number system
    to convert binary numbers to denary numbers

    OUTCOME - You will be able to convert binary numbers to denary

    Starter - 10 mins

    Main Tasks - 45 mins

    Red Task

    Work out the binary for the missing numbers

    Amber Task
    Fill in the worksheet

    Green Task

    Try the other 'bit' challenges HERE!

    Ext Task

    Play the binary game HERE!

    Plenary - 5 mins

    What have you learnt?

    Monday 15 June 2015

    Session 12 - Python Challenges Wkbk 1-6

    Lesson Objectives

     - to review Python knowledge, use of input() and print()
     - to understand data types - int, float and string



    print() function
    The print function prints information to the screen. 

    print (“Hello World”)

    input() function
    The input function allows the user to enter information into the computer. 

    name = input("Hi. What's your name? ")
    print ("Hello, ", name)


    A variable is used in a program to store information. 
    In the program above the variable is name. 
    Because the variable is in quotes “” or ‘’, the variable type is called a string.


    Red Task:

    Orange Task

    Green Task


    Add a post to your Blog to explain what you have learnt today.

    Friday 12 June 2015

    Session 11 - Python Turtle 2

    Lesson Objectives 

     - To understand what a loop is
     - To understand how to use a simple for loop
     - To develop computational thinking skills

    Red - You will have created a hexagon using a for loop
    Amber - You will have edited the colour, and position of the hexagon
    Green - You will use the skills learnt to draw a simple house




    A) Type up a program to create a hexagon  - use the help below if you need:

    B) Save it as hexagon.py
    C) Test it and make sure it works properly


    A) Add this code to your hexagon.py program before    
    for x in range (6):


    B) Run your program what does this new code do?
    C) Can you tweak the code?


    A) Use this code to move to a new place on the screen and then draw a second hexagon

    terry.penup() # pick up the pen
    terry.goto(10,10) # go to a x and y position
    terry.pendown() # put the pen down

    B) Post your code on your computer science blog


    A) Using what you have learnt draw a simple house like this one. You will need to use terry.begin_fill() And terry.end_fill() 
    B) Post your code on your computer science blog

    Wednesday 10 June 2015

    Session 10 - Python Turtle1

    Lesson Objectives

    To develop your knowledge of the Python programming languageTo draw shapes using the Turtle graphics library L/O 3 To develop your computational thinking skills


    Take a look at the RED TASK in your booklets and try to answer the following q

    What does t.forward(50) do?

    What does t.left(90) do?

    Main Tasks

    Green and Gold eRefs for progress :-)


    Complete the Red Task in your booklet and save in your Python folder


    Complete the Amber task and save in your Python folder


    Complete the Green task and save in your Python folder

    Tip: Have a look at these useful Turtle commands.


    Which colour have you ended on? Green and Gold eRefs for progress :-)


    Download and install Python on your machine at home: https://www.python.org/downloads/.

    Tuesday 9 June 2015

    Changing Worlds - Development Log

    Lesson Objectives
    Document the development of your game so far

    1. Download all 4 parts of the development log - HERE
    2. Save all of them in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence --> Development Log
    3. Open Development Log A - Formative Testing in Word
    4. Open your Rules Log in Word

    5. Copy the event and action columns of the rules log and paste them into the event and what should happen column of the development log
    6. Test the buttons you made in yesterday's lesson and record the results in your development log

    7. Finish any missing buttons and/or screens that you need for your game. Make sure you test them and record the results in your Development Log.


    Lesson Objectives
    Develop animation skills using Adobe software

    What is an animation?
    How are they created?

    Animation using Adobe Fireworks

    Red Task
    Try the Tutorial HERE

    Amber Task

    Create an animation of your own on a topic of your choice.

    Green Task
    Open Adobe Flash and have a go at making an animation, using Key Frames.

    Share your animation with a partner.

    Tell them what you've learned today and what else you would like to learn.

    Thursday 4 June 2015

    Kodu - Creating a Game

    Useful Tutorials

    See how to add score click HERE

    How to Score when collecting red apples

    Play & Learn - Moodboard

    Lesson Objectives

    - understand what a moodboard is and how it can be used to develop a game
    - develop the resources needed for your moodboard

    Initial Reflection

    What is a moodboard?
    What goes on a moodboard?
    What does not go on a moodboard?
    What is the best way to instantly show off your game idea on the moodboard?


    Use your checklist to help you:

    Python - Session 8 - Using Multiple IFs

    Lesson Objectives
     - Review IF statements 
     - Revision of techniques covered so far
     - Preparation for next lessons Controlled Assessment Task.




    Share your code with a partner and discuss what you've learned

    Monday 1 June 2015

    Kodu - Evidencing Your Work

    Lesson Objectives

     - document your Kodu game to show skills learned

    Look at a peers game using the sheet below:
    Peer Assessment Document

    Use your Assessment Sheet and the Evidence Document below:
    Evidence Document

    Evaluation Template