Monday 30 November 2015

Unit 2 - Lesson 3 Storage Devices

Lesson Objectives

Understand how magnetic media, optical media and solid state work


Play & Learn - Loading Screen

Lesson Objectives 

- To understand the purpose of a loading screen
- To learn how to add your own loading screen into GameMaker

Red - You will designed a loading screen for your Play and Learn using suitable software
Amber - You will have created a loading screen and added it your game
Green - You will continued to develop your Play and Learn game


1. Use Photoshop or Illustrator to create your loading screen at 640px  and 480px

2. When  complete save / export your loading screen as a PNG  or JPG

1. Click on global game settings

2. Choose show your own image and then click change image

Extension Task
  • If you want to customise the loading bar on your loading screen try

Green Task
Look at the 11n2 Tracking Sheet - HERE
What do you need to be doing for the remainder of today's lesson?

Write 3 targets on a Sticky Note

  • Look again at the Tracking Sheet, consider what you have completed today and what you plan to do next lesson

      Friday 27 November 2015

      Python Controlled Assessment - Task 4

      Offset Factor

      Lesson Objectives 
      LO1 - To learn what an offset is and how they can be used to encrypt text 
      LO2 – To understand how to solve task 4 of your text encryption controlled assessment 

      Red - You will have planned out the code you need for task 4
      Amber - You will have tested your code
      Green - You will have added your code to your controlled assessment and commented it

      Thursday 26 November 2015

      Google Blockly Game Maze

      Lesson Objectives

      Evaluate computation and abstraction knowledge using evidence document



      Red Task:  

      Go to the Google Blockly Website - HERE

      Complete Levels 1-5 (Green)

      Complete Levels 6-10 (Gold)

      Amber Task
      Open your Unit 1 - Evidence Document and complete any sections not yet completed.

      Green Task

      Complete the Evaluation section of your Evidence Document.

      Try the Frozen code puzzles - HERE


      Print and staple your Unit 1 Evidence Document ready for marking.


      The next task in your Hwk Booklet

      Wednesday 25 November 2015

      Software L4 - Utility Software

      Lesson Objectives
       - identify different types of system utilities (Utility Software) and their function


      Test your knowledge - Software Concepts


      Utility Software is used to make sure your computer is safe/secure and running efficiently.
      Examples are:

      1. anti-virus
      2. spyware protection
      3. firewall
      4. disk formatting
      5. file transfer
      6. de-fragmentation
      7. system clean-up
      8. system restore

      Red Task

      Go to and watch the videos and do the tests on 28. Common Utility Software - Part B and C

      Orange Task
      Use your account to create flashcards for each of the examples above.
      Share and embed the code for your flashcards on to your blog

      Green Task
      Log on to and complete an Exercise on Software


      Look again to check your understanding - Utility Software worksheet

      What is open source software?
      Write a definition and add some examples to your blog.

      Monday 23 November 2015

      Software - Lesson 3 - Applications

      Lesson Objectives:

       - identify different types and names of Application Software
       - identify the different functions of Application Software



      Open and create a new post entitled 'Rollister Clothing Company'


      Red Task:
      Read through the scenario sheet:

      Orange Task:
      Set up your own document to show your findings

      Download the Proposal Help Sheet HERE if you prefer and fill in the Type, Name and Cost of Software.

      Green Task:
      Take a snipping of your completed propsal and add to your new blog post entitled 'Rollister Clothing Company'

      For Computing Quizzes click HERE


      Applications Quiz HERE

      Wednesday 18 November 2015

      Unit 2 - Lesson 2 - Memory


      Red Task:

      Complete the RAM and ROM worksheet

      Amber Task
      Complete the Computer Performance Worksheet

      Green Task: 

      Extension Task:

      Test your knowledge HERE

      Wednesday 11 November 2015

      Unit2 - Lesson 1 - CPU


      Task 1: CPU research
      a) Use the presentation above and your own research to complete Worksheet 1: The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

      Task 2: Revision and Test
      a) Revise CPU and memory by clicking here
      b) Complete the test on CPU and memory by clicking here

      Extension Task
      Download and complete this extension activity on the CPU

      Test your skills using this quiz on the CPU

      Preparing for the Mock Exam

      Hardware Revision



      Create a montage to show the inside of a computer - annotate each item to explain what it does.

      Binary and Logic Gate Revision

      Logic Gate Scratch Game

      BBC Bitesize

      Binary Fun

      Matching pairs game

      Counting with your fingers

      Scratch binary game

      Scratch binary tutorial

      Binary tutorial

      Software - Lesson 2

      Lesson Objectives:

       - understand the difference between Application Software and System Software 

      Create a Powtoon presentation to explain the difference between System Software and Application Software


      Complete the sheet:


      Red Task:
      In pairs, create a presentation using to show examples of System software and Application software

      Orange Task:
      Include in your presentation a definition of:
       - System software
       - Application software

      Green Task:
      Publish you Powtoon and embed the code to you blog

      Use these links to help you:

      For Computing Quizzes click HERE



      Key word spellings

      Monday 9 November 2015

      ELC - Software Lesson 1

      Lesson Objectives

       - understand what an operating system is
       - identify the functions of an operating system


      1. Look up the definition of an operating system. 
      2. Add a definition, in your OWN words to your blog post, under the heading Software.

      Ext - What was the first Operating System and when was it created?


      1. Watch the Prezi for Lesson 10

      2. Use your examtime account to create some Flash Cards for Operating System revision.

      You may use the following or make up your own. 

      Once complete, add them to your blog.


      Test your knowledge HERE
      Take a screenshot once complete and add to your blog post

      Friday 6 November 2015

      DA204 - Gaming Unit

      Useful Websites

      Copyright Free Images - PixabayPics4Learning

      Free Music - Copy the link below in to Windows Explorer - see below (NOT Internet Explorer)
      \\\read\ICT\Mr Smith\Music

      Play & Learn - Development Logs

      Development Logs

      Wednesday 4 November 2015