Tasks 1. Read through the slides and fill in your own notes on Networks 2. Quizzes - HERE Extension Build your Own Network - Network Simulation Tool Download
LO1 - To organise your work area and evidence document LO2 - To have understood what the controlled assessment is about
Red - You will have set up the folder needed for your controlled assessment Amber - You will have set up an evidence document in Word Green - You will have written a paragraph explaining what you have to do for your controlled assessment
- to understand Ethical, Social and Legal aspects of Computing
In today's lesson you will be working on the last part of your presentation - Ethical, Social and Legal aspects of computing. RED TASK Look at the images HEREand make a note of key words that come in to your head with each image.
- Download the presentation - Save the presentation to your area with an appropriate name - Using the tips we created in the starter, edit your PowerPoint. You must edit the - Text - Images - Animation
Extension Task 2 Create a presentation about a subject you are passionate about. Create this in GoogleSlides or Powerpoint
Gallery Viewings!
What is great about our presentations?
What could we improve about our presentations?